DUE NOVEMBER 29th @ 11:59 uploaded to Blackboard | 10 pts (10% of total grade)
In Week 13 we learned about interview methods and guides, and how to conduct an interview. For this assignment you get to create an interview protocol as if you were going to conduct a real interview.
To complete the interview protocol please do the following:
1) Revisit your research questions from Assignment #1 and determine if one of them is suited for interview data. Feel free to revise or come up with a different question or topic for which an interview would help you answer.
Likely, you’re understanding of your neighborhood has evolved considerably as you’ve completed previous assignments–use this assignment as an opportunity to prepare for an interview you’d like to conduct and that you feel would add insight to your profile. In a sentence or two, briefly describe who you would interview and why? (You can add this to the page above the template).
2) Use the template below to complete the interview protocol:
Download Template here.
Please upload a Word doc of your assignment to the appropriate place on Blackboard.
Interview Protocol Rubric
Points | |
7-10 |
4-6 |
2-3 | The assignment is missing parts and is overall incomplete. |
0-1 | Did not do assignment, barely did assignment. |