Class Participation

DUE BEFORE CLASS ON YOUR ASSINGNED DAY (See Syllabus Class Schedule)   |   5 pts (5% of total grade)

Discussion Leaders Each week students will be assigned as discussion leaders. Each discussion leader is responsible for leading the discussion for a specific reading and/or course material. To do this, you will fill out a template in google docs to which I will review and assign points based on the rubric below.

The completed template is due before the start of class on your assigned day. You do not need to print the template or send me a link—I’ll access google docs during class. The templates will be used to help guide the class discussion that day.

In addition, you are expected to regularly attend class and generally contribute to class discussions and activities.

Discussion Leader Rubric

5 Template is complete and demonstrates a clear, thoughtful understanding and/or strong attempt at understanding the content.
4 Template is complete and demonstrates basic understanding and/or some attempt at understanding the content.
2-3 Template is partially complete and demonstrates some understanding of the content.
0-1 Did not do assignment, barely filled out template, or turned it in late.