Profile = 20 pts (20% of total grade) | Presentation = 5 pts (5% of total grade)
Over the course of the semester, the assignments you work on will build toward your final neighborhood profile. This final assignment is a synthesis of your quantitative and qualitative research findings in the form of a neighborhood narrative or profile.
The final neighborhood profile should develop from your outline (Assignment #2) and include the following requirements (this list is in no particular order):
A brief background of the neighborhood (1000-1500 words)
- A short history
- Overview of the people, place, and culture
> This may include key events important to the neighborhood - Description of key institutional and neighborhood stakeholders
> This includes a brief description of at least one locally active community group - Physical observations and description (may draw from Assignment #3)
- Include 1-3 photos (with captions) that help capture the neighborhood
Demographic composition (see Assignment #4)
- Include 3 different types of demographic data (you may use the one you did in Assignment #4 as one of them)
- One set of data needs to show change over time (i.e., you’ll need to find an that same dataset, but for a different year)
- Make a minimum of three descriptive visualizations (including the change over time). Data should be visualized in manner of your choosing (e.g. bar graph, line chart, table etc.)
- Include a brief written summary of the data sets (~200 words)
Neighborhood Economic and Housing Composition (see Assignment #5)
- Include 1 type of economic data and 2 types of housing data (you may use the one you did in Assignment #5 as one of them)
- Make a minimum of three descriptive visualizations. Data should be visualized in manner of your choosing (e.g. bar graph, line chart, table etc.)
- Include a brief written summary of the data sets (~200 words)
Other neighborhood data/characteristics
- Include 1 type of data that you feel is important to include in your profile based on what you’ve learned about your neighborhood (see Assignment #2, point 3)
- Make a minimum of two descriptive visualizations. Data should be visualized in manner of your choosing (e.g. bar graph, line chart, table etc.)
- Include a brief written summary of the data (~50 words)
Spatial data map (see Assignment #6) – **OPTIONAL**
- One set of data can be mapped in QGIS—you may use the map from assignment #6 or choose to map different data.
- Include a brief written summary of the data (~50 words)
Short Summary (~200 words)
- Write a brief conclusion/summary to your neighborhood profile, feel free to use this space to draw any conclusions and/or point to further analysis needed.
- List sources you used
- All datasets/visuals should have their source (e.g. Census, ACS etc.) as part of the caption—you don’t need to list those sources again here.
To complete the neighborhood profile please do the following:
- Revisit Assignment #2 Outline and make any necessary revisions to reflect the specific data you want to include and the order in which you want to organize everything.
- Collect, clean, analyze, and visualize the necessary data based on your outline—be sure you’re including all the requirement listed above.
- Compile your data using an organizational structure that clearly conveys your neighborhood information and helps it read like an orderly profile.
- Write out/compile all the required text portions of the profile
- Format your profile to give it a nice visual layout—think about how best to use fonts, color etc.
- Proofread your profile!
+ Presentation You are required to create a presentation of your neighborhood profile as part of the assignment. Using PowerPoint, create a 7-10 minute presentation to give to the class. Your day will be assigned in advance.
NOTE: you aren’t expected to present your entire profile due to time constraints and that your profile may not yet be complete—be selective about what you share to make an interesting and informative presentation.
To complete the presentation please do the following:
- Provide a brief introduction of your study neighborhood.
- Share why you chose this area, and if your profile has a theme/overarching topic (e.g., transportation, housing, change over time, health etc.)
- Choose 3 different data sets to briefly explain—these should have a visual element (e.g. bar graph, line chart, table etc.), one of them could be your spatial data map.
Include anything else you feel is important to share and feel free to ask questions or solicit feedback if desired.
Please make your presentation aesthetically pleasing and include some photographs.
Upload a PDF of your Profile AND Presentation as one document to the appropriate place on Blackboard.
Final Neighborhood Profile Rubric – 25 points
Points | PROFILE (20 pts) |
14-20 | · The profile appears to address all or most of the required components as outlined in the assignment.
· The datasets used and visualizations made convey both relevant and adequately comprehensive information (for example, not just income, but income by gender OR not just the population, but race breakdown) · There is some degree of consideration of specific neighborhood communities, cultures etc. · The profile is somewhat to very well organized |
8-13 | · The profile does not appear to address enough of the required components as outlined in the assignment.
· The datasets used and visualizations made do not convey relevant nor adequately comprehensive information (for example, just income, but not income by gender OR just the population, but not by race breakdown) · There may be consideration of specific neighborhood communities, cultures etc. · The profile may be organized poorly |
1-7 | · The profile is missing most of the required components as outlined in the assignment.
· There is little or no consideration of specific neighborhood communities, cultures etc. · The profile may be disorganized |
0 | Did not do assignment, barely did assignment. |
Points | PRESENTATION (5 pts) |
4-5 | Gave the presentation and met all or most of the requirements |
1-3 | Gave the presentation, but met only some of the requirements |
0 | Did not present |